This project was a global initiative through Camarillo Community Church (Camarillo, CA) in which funds were raised through a 6k walk to provide water to countries around the world. I chose to use cool tones to emphasize the theme of the initiative; morever, I wanted a clean design that would communicate the important part of the events (the walk and BBQ afterwards). Through this team effort, we raised over $5,000 to help build wells.
Table setup including A-frame, cards, 11" x 17" sign
Table setup including A-frame, cards, 11" x 17" sign
Close up of cards
Close up of cards
Front of card (5.5" x 4.25")
Front of card (5.5" x 4.25")
Back of card (5.5" x 4.25")
Back of card (5.5" x 4.25")
Custom map showing race route
Custom map showing race route
Social graphic
Social graphic

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